Services Provided by the NAB
Submissions and Representations
The NAB frequently makes submissions on Bills, amendments and discussion papers on behalf of its members. We also alert individual members to issues which may affect them.
The NAB regularly conducts research projects to assist in its lobbying initiatives to provide worthwhile information to members. Past research reports have included a study on the effectiveness of radio as an advertising vehicle and regular scans on international regulatory trends.
Our members have access to all NAB research reports.
Broadcast Complaints Commission of SA
NAB members are entitled to have complaints against them heard by the Broadcasting Complaints Commission of South Africa, an independent self-regulatory tribunal set up by the NAB. In this way complaints by members of the audience on programming content are dealt with fairly, quickly and efficiently.
Music Royalty Negotiations
The NAB and its team of attorneys negotiate the levy payable for music rights on behalf of its members.
Information-sharing and Discussion
The NAB's committees give members the opportunity to meet with each other regularly and discuss issues of mutual interest. The NAB also has regular meetings with policy makers and other stakeholders in the industry. Our series of NAB breakfasts brings the industry's top decision makers together to debate topical issues.
Legal and Regulatory Advice
The NAB has access to the best regulatory expertise and we advise members on a variety of issues including regulatory procedures.
Technical Advice
The NAB's technical committee comprises a wealth of technical expertise and its members are happy to share their knowledge with members of other committees.
Representation on Other Structures
The NAB is represented on a number of other structures, such as the MICT SETA, ICT B-BBEE Sector Council, Broadcast Research Council (BRC), Media Development Diversity Agency (MDDA) and various Advertising Standards Authority committees. In this way the NAB is able to ensure that interests of the broadcasting industry are being met by these organisations.