MEDIA STATEMENT: NAB's plan to fight false information through the airwaves
Johannesburg, South Africa, 8 April 2024
NAB member radio stations have taken the fight against false information to the airwaves, with the release of Public Service Announcements (PSAs) aimed at raising awareness about the dangers of misinformation and disinformation. The PSAs are part of the NAB’s Free Radio Initiative, which uses radio airtime to advocate for causes in the interest of South Africans.
The PSAs remind listeners that, as signatories to the Broadcasting Complaints Commission of South Africa’s (BCCSA) Codes of Conduct, South Africa’s licensed radio broadcasters play an important role as credible sources of news and information. These broadcasters recognise their responsibility to ensure that listeners can rely on them for verified information amidst the false information they could potentially be exposed to across other media platforms.
"NAB members are signatories to the BCCSA Codes of Conduct – which aim to protect audiences from harmful content – and this reinforces radio's position as a trusted medium for reliable information," said NAB Executive Director, Nadia Bulbulia.
Online harms including false information are a constant threat to audiences and the PSAs seek to educate the public about the harmful effects of “fake” news and information. With SA gearing up for its seventh general election on 29 May 2024, the spreading of false information ahead of voting day could have adverse implications, including the manipulation of voters’ perceptions and decisions.
The NAB believes that through responsible media consumption, citizens can better navigate the modern information landscape. We urge South Africans to tune in to their local radio stations for reliable news and current affairs updates.
The PSAs can be accessed through the following links:
For media enquiries please contact NAB Research & Communications Specialist Ofentse Mboweni on 082 849 7404 or
About the NAB
The NAB is a voluntary association that was formed in 1993 to foster and promote the development of a sustainable and robust broadcasting system in South Africa. It supports the principles of democracy, freedom of expression and the diversity of voices. As the leading representative of South Africa’s regulated broadcasting industry, the NAB members comprise all three tiers of broadcasters (public, private and community) as well as signal providers and industry associates. It has, since the dawn of SA’s democracy, engaged in policy and regulatory processesthat affect the broadcasting sector. The NAB isfunded entirely by its members and responds to a broad range of needs and developments to strengthen and create a favourable climate for a vibrant industry. It established the BCCSA that is recognised by the sector regulator, ICASA.