Why radio remains the master of marketing

05 March 2024 | Deirdre King

On 29 February 2024, Jacaranda FM Managing Director, Deirdre King, a representative of the NAB and Radio Always, delivered the keynote address at the inaugural Radio Marketing Masterclass hosted by Arena Events, in partnership with Telkom, the SABC, the NAB and Radio Always.

King opened her address by stating that radio’s audience reach and the trust it enjoys among listeners, positions it as the ideal platform for marketers seeking brand success. She advised advertisers to consider the power radio has in establishing connections with its listeners, and to tailor their strategies for younger listeners, whose audio consumptions patterns are evolving.

King noted the following in her keynote address: “We recently celebrated 100 years of radio in South Africa and even though, many years ago, there was a prediction that video would kill the radio star, radio continues to thrive and deliver. It is not a medium that is standing still. Radio reaches more than 90% of the population weekly, even in this age of digital dominance. It's a giant that continues to capture hearts and minds.

The audio landscape is shifting in South Africa and listener journeys are becoming more complex, but radio still dominates this landscape. Radio is bigger than music streaming and podcasts put together; it is the only format that offers scale for brands to reach their consumers within the audio landscape.

Past 7-day consumption data for South Africa shows that radio has remained relatively stable at 73%. More than 70% of Europeans tune in to radio and listen for an average of three hours a day. This is similar in South Africa. Audio strategies need to evolve for younger listeners, as they have changed the way they consume radio and audio. The Spotify Gen Z report found that Gen Z audio consumers are blurring the lines between consumption and creation.

The report discovered that Gen Z shared more playlists and engaged with more content, making them the most sociable generation of audio streamers. Audio is more relevant than ever before, and radio is the Swiss Army Knife every advertiser should use in its plans. Here are a few reasons why:

- Audio is everywhere and radio is the most mobile medium;

- Radio brings communities together to inform and entertain; and

- Radio develops a strong relationship with listeners, enabling advertisers to engage them in an intimate & personal setting.

Reach and time spent listening are as strong as ever. Radio allows brands to reach millions of people daily and helps brands to grow. It drives traffic, search and e-commerce, and brands that advertise on radio in times of crisis win. While radio drives emotional connections, it is also a strong brand builder. It does so through building trust, emotional connection, attention and memory, creativity, brand integration and synergy with other media. Building trust with your consumers is pivotal to the success of your brand and radio provides trust to brands when they need it.

During COVID-19 and the KwaZulu-Natal riots, as well as many other life-changing events that we have experienced, we saw that radio was a trusted platform for listeners and consumers alike as communities received valuable and trustworthy updates, without having to filter fake news. Global research supports this: it has found that radio ads are more trusted and reliable, with three times more trust than digital ads, and the added benefit that these ads are also less likely to be skipped.

Underpinning this element of trust is the emotional connection that listeners and consumers have with radio. Radio establishes deep emotional connections with its audience, leaving a lasting impact on brand perception. Radio personalities engage all generations and form an emotional connection with audiences, creating trust. Many listeners connect to presenters because of things like humour, and hyper-localisation. They really are the OGs of influencers!

Radio is interactive and responsive: it can invite feedback, participation and action from the listeners through phone calls, WhatsApp, social media, or competitions. Lastly, radio enhances Out-of-Home messaging. Prior exposure to a radio campaign increases how quickly outdoor media is seen and how well it is remembered. Radio is the Swiss army knife for marketers looking to achieve a higher reach and ROI for campaigns”.


The NAB and Radio Always look forward to the next Radio Marketing Masterclass as this was a great opportunity to bring radio experts and marketers together to strengthen partnerships.


About the NAB

The NAB is a voluntary association that was formed in 1993 to foster and promote the development of a sustainable and robust broadcasting system in South Africa. It supports the principles of democracy, freedom of expression and the diversity of voices. As the leading representative of South Africa’s regulated broadcasting industry, the NAB members comprise all three tiers of broadcasters (public, private and community) as well as signal providers and industry associates. It has, since the dawn of SA’s democracy, engaged in policy and regulatory processes that affect the broadcasting sector. The NAB is funded entirely by its members and responds to a broad range of needs and developments to strengthen and create a favourable climate for a vibrant industry. It established the BCCSA that is recognised by the sector regulator, ICASA.

About Radio Always

Radio Always is an initiative of the NAB. Radio Always helps brands build recognition, increase engagement and drive specific business targets through radio. Visit www.radioalways.co.za to learn more.



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