
Telecommunications Directions

As a result of convergence, NAB members are already, and will continue to be, profoundly affected by telecommunications policy. It was with this in mind that the NAB responded to the Minister’s Telecomunications Directions

Presentation on Community Radio

Although community radio has led the way in opening up South African airwaves, the sector has been beset by troubles. The difficulties in becoming financially sustainable have been compounded by the regulator’s resource constraints

BCCSA judgments on children`s issues

In preparation for the World Summit on Children’s Broadcasting a report outlining BCCSA judgments on children’s issues was prepared

KPMG research on local content

KPMG was commissioned by the NAB to conduct a survey of broadcasters’ attitudes to local content and a comparison of local content regulation in other countries.

Local content

  • 28 February 2001
The NAB spent a considerable amount of time preparing for Icasa’s local content review. This included a survey of broadcasters attitudes to and support of local content and an analysis of local content regulation internationally.

Media Development and Diversity Agency - 2001

The NAB stated its support for initiatives to promote development and diversity in broadcasting but outlined some concerns with government’s draft position paper


The NAB noted that although many aspects of the SABRE 2 bandplan appeared to duplicate Telkom’s submission on the original SABRE document, many of the NAB’s previous concerns had been addressed

PSTS Fees and Charges

The NAB supported three recommendations made by Sentech on PSTS fees and charges

IMT 2000

The NAB represents various interested parties and stakeholders operating in the band 2.5 – 2.7GHz, which is extensively used for “services ancillary to broadcasting”. The NAB notes that services in this band include broadcast contribution, manpack cameras, remote outside broadcast links and multi point multi channel (point to multipoint) distribution systems (MMDS).

NAB / PricewaterhouseCoopers presentation on the future of the SA broadcasting industry

  • 01 October 2000
This presentation is made at a time when South African broadcasting is not growing as it should. After the transformation of the industry post-94, it is our view that a second wave of intervention is needed to foster growth and development. This intervention could see the broadcasting sector realising its potential and driving our country into the new economy.



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