
The Astronomy Geographic Advantage Bill (AGA Bill)

The Constitution of South Africa requires that broadcasting in South Africa be regulated by an independent authority (ICASA). Certain provisions of the Astronomy Geographic Bill, however, give the Minister of Science and Technology and/or the Management Authority to be established in terms of section 15 of the Bill, and such Management Authorities will be vested with powers which will infringe on the powers of ICASA. In the NAB’s view, this is in contravention of Section 192 of the Constitution.

On 31 July 2007, the NAB made an oral submission before the Portfolio Committee on Science and Technology highlighting these issues. The submission was a follow up of a written submission the NAB had submitted on 18 July 2007 in response to the Astronomy Geographic Bill.

Proposed Codes of Conduct for Licencees

The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (“ICASA”) issued notice number 767 of 2007, published in government gazette number 29993, dated 18 June 2007 (“the notice”). In the notice, ICASA invited interested persons to submit written representations to its intention to make regulations in terms of sections 4 and 69 the Electronic Communications Act (“the Act”), setting out the Code of Conduct for licensees. The closing date for written submissions was no later than 18H00, 20 July 2007. Oral hearings were subsequently scheduled to take place on 12 September 2007.

Draft Regulations for Sectors to meet the need of people with disabilites

On 14 June 2007, the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (“ICASA”) published notice number 765 of 2007, in government gazette number 29986, (“the notice”). In the notice, ICASA invited interested persons to submit written representations to its intention to make regulations in respect of the Electronic Communications, Broadcasting and Postal sectors to meet the needs of people with disabilities (“the proposed regulations”) in terms of section 70 read with section 4(1) of the EC Act as well as section 2(h) of the Postal Services Act 1244 of 1998. The closing date for written submissions was 20 July 2007. The NAB made a written submission in this regard.

Subsequently, on 20 September 2007, ICASA invited stakeholders to participate in a consultative workshop, which was intended to assist in the finalisation of the regulations on the code for people with disabilities.

NAB submission (Channel 65 Gazette)

In the Government Gazette of 22 February 2006, ICASA in terms of Section 29(4) of the Telecommunications Act and Section 31(2) of the Independent Broadcasting Authority Act invited interested parties to make written representations regarding its intention to use channel 65 as described in the annual terrestrial broadcasting frequency plan for “non-broadcasting purposes”. The National Association of Broadcasters (“the NAB”) welcomes the opportunity to make these written representations. The NAB would also like to have the opportunity to make an oral representation at the hearings of this matter when they occur.

ICASA Publishes findings of its Self-help Stations Policy Review

The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (“the Authority”) published a Discussion Paper (“the Discussion Paper”) on the Review of Self-Help Stations (“the Review”) on 6 December 2004. The purpose of the Discussion Paper was to generate comment from all stakeholders on the Review of Self-Help Stations. Section 28 of the Independent Broadcasting Act, No. 153 of 1993 (“IBA Act”) provides that the Authority may from time to time conduct an inquiry into any matter relevant to the achievement and application of the principles of broadcasting as enunciated in section 2 of the Act.

SA TV Content Regulations

The objective of these regulations is to develop, protect and promote a national and provincial identity, culture and character.

NAB submission to the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Communications on the ICASA Amendment Bill [B32-2005]

On 26 September 2005, notice of the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa Amendment Bill [B32-2005] ("the Bill") was published in Notice 1783, Government Gazette No. 28050 dated 20 September 2005. The purpose of the Bill is to effect amendments to the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa Act, 2000 ("the ICASA Act"). Interested persons were invited to make representations on the Bill, the closing date for which is 10 October 2005.



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