News 2001 archive
ICASA gives clarity on four year community radio licensing process
In a fruitful meeting with the NAB and the NCRF, ICASA detailed their plans for the licensing of four year community…
view full articleNew local content rules to be finalised by end-September
ICASA has indicated that its decision on local content will be finalised by the end of September with the publication of a Position Paper. The decision could see increases beyond the current 20% quotas for radio and free-to-air…
view full articlePlans for further commercial radio licences
At a briefing to industry on 19 July to mark its first year anniversary, ICASA announced that its projects for the rest of 2001 would include a viability study on the future licensing of commercial…
view full articleForthcoming legislation affecting broadcasters
A Broadcasting Amendment Bill and Telecommunications Amendment Bill are among the Bills targeted for tabling in parliament in August…
view full articleICASA addresses parliament on sports broadcasting
In an address to parliament’s Sport and Recreation Portfolio Committee on 27 June, ICASA chairperson Mandla Langa stated that ICASA is committed to addressing the issue of the broadcasting of sports events of national interest. He pointed…
view full articleLatest on digital broadcasting
In a coup for South African broadcasters, the Southern African Digital Broadcasting Association (SADIBA) has hosted a workshop on digital broadcasting with a number of top international…
view full articleICASA speaks on broadcast ownership rules
At an industry breakfast hosted jointly by the NAB and Primedia Broadcasting on 22 June, Advisor to the ICASA Chairperson Michael Markovitz gave an insightful speech on ownership limitations in the broadcasting…
view full articleNAB and NCRF to sign memo of understanding
The NAB community radio and executive committees have decided to pursue the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the NAB and the National Community Radio Forum…
view full articleBroadcasting priorities in government’s communications budget
Communications Minister Ivy Matsepe-Casaburri presented her department’s budget to parliament on 22 May during which a number of broadcasting programmes for 2001 were…
view full articleICASA refuses New Africa Media shareholding in P4 radio stations
ICASA has refused the application for a shareholding change in the P4 radio…
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