News 2013 archive
NAB Thought Leaders Roundtable sessions
The inaugural session was held on 3 May 2013 and members are reminded to RSVP timeously for the next session due to space…
view full articleMinister of Communications, Minister Dina Pule delivered her Budget Vote Speech in Parlaiment
On 22 May 2013 the Minister of Communications, Minister Dina Pule delivered her Budget Vote Speech in Parlaiment. Key issues emanating from the speech are the following:
The broadband Policy is due to be tabled to Cabinet in June…
NAB hosts Australian Communications and Media Authority regulator Mr Chris Cheah
On 15 May 2013, members of the NAB engaged with Mr Cheah on issues ranging from convergence regulation to sports rights, local content and digital migration. Mr Cheah was visiting SA as a guest speaker for the GIBS Digital Multimedia…
view full articleNAB hosts Thailand delegation
On 8 May 2013, the NAB hosted a delegation from Thailand. The delegation comprised officials from DETECON Consulting and Thailand’s Office of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission. The delegation also visited key…
view full articleNAB meets DoC?s (Department of Communications) Directorate on People with Disabilities
The Disability Directorate of the DoC, visited the NAB offices on 28 March 2013 to discuss the DoC’s disability programmes and strategy. A follow-up workshop between the NAB and the DoC is scheduled for the end of May…
view full article17 May is World Telecommunications Day (WTD)
History of WTD
World Telecommunication Day commemorates the founding of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) in 1865. The first WTD was celebrated in 1969. Since then the 17th of May has been observed as WTD every year. The WTD has…
Community Sound Broadcasters complete 5 years of converged licences
Five years have lapsed since ICASA converged broadcasting licences in 2008. Community sound broadcasters are due to renew their converged five year broadcasting and spectrum licenses this year. Licensees have to submit their renewal…
view full article13 February 2013 World Radio Day
The United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), has proclaimed today World Radio Day.
The NAB congratulates the radio industry across public, commercial and community tiers, for the incredible strides taken in…
view full articleNAB appoints new Executive Director
The NAB welcomes Nadia Bulbulia as the newly appointed Executive Director of the NAB. She succeeds the outgoing Johann Koster who headed the industry body for ten years. Nadia brings with her vast experience in the ICT sector, having…
view full article2nd draft Frequency Plan Regulations
Following ICASA’s publication of the draft Frequency Migration Regulations and Frequency plan for public comments on 17 August 2012, ICASA has subsequently published its second draft on the draft regulations and frequency Pan. Interested…
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